Finding the Right BA – the Do’s and Don’ts

Year-to-date we’ve staffed over 2,000 events/demos. Honestly, there are a lot of agencies that can say that. Our quantity isn’t what sets us apart, it’s our quality of staff that makes the HFA difference.

Piper rocking her Flying Embers demo
Piper rocking her Flying Embers demo

When we staff, we don’t want people who show up to collect a paycheck. We want people who are passionate, hard-working and results-driven. The question people want to know is – how do we find these people?

Here are 5 secrets we’ve found that are critical in selecting the right brand ambassador for your program:

1. Give lots of info in your initial job post

A big part of a brand ambassador’s job is finding their next job. It is very time consuming to submit their information and interview for each position. If you don’t have the basic information for the job you are posting for, many of the more seasoned applicants will pass your posting by. So, to get interest from the more professional brand ambassadors, it’s best to put all of the information in the initial post, including:


Job Description

Mission – if our client has a mission (i.e. sustainable, plant-based, etc.) we will put that info in the posting to draw interest from potential staff who are passionate about the cause.

Pay (of course you need a competitive rate here)

When can the brand ambassador expect to be paid?

2. Don’t “marry” your first candidate

We always aim to interview 2-3 candidates/opening. That allows us to compare candidates and find the best person for the job.

When you go with your very first candidate, you may be going with someone who is “good enough” and not meet the brand ambassador of your dreams.

3. Video interviews

We never hire based on email correspondence, or even a phone call. We require every single person to complete a video interview before they are onboarded.

There’s just so much you can tell about a person during a face-to-face chat, even if it’s digital. One of my favorite candidates for a tough-to-staff position was 5 minutes late, had just gotten out of the shower, and was in a towel. Seriously? A towel for an interview? I was grateful the video interview revealed how she prepared for an appointment.

We are always looking for staff who are on-time and prepared for the interview. We are a little lax on the attire since they are at their home, but, obviously, they need to be wearing more than a towel!

4. Ask the tough questions

Sometimes our customers ask the brand ambassadors tough questions. So, during our interview process, we’ve got to make sure they are up for the task! We dive deep with questions like:

How would you sell this product?

What would you say to a customer who told you this was too expensive?

What was your favorite activation and why? Hint: if they say it was a demo where they were able to leave early, or they just gave away a bunch of free stuff…that’s not our person.

5. Go with your gut

If the person you are speaking with grinds on your nerves, your customers will feel the same way. If they aren’t very lively during the interview, it’s not likely they are going to be able to turn up the energy at their event.

On the other hand, if you love their energy and you feel like they really “get” your mission, your customers will feel that same energy!

Mandy having a blast sampling LIMITLESS
Mandy having a blast sampling LIMITLESS

If you put the time in to vet your brand ambassadors, you can get some really great representatives for your brand.

If you love the idea of having some passionate folks in the field to sample or sell your brand, but need help finding great staff, we are always here to help!

Just give us a shout at


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