In today’s world, where environmental concerns are at the forefront, businesses and marketers have a responsibility to make sustainable choices. Experiential marketing is no exception. By incorporating sustainability into experiential marketing campaigns, brands can demonstrate their commitment to environmental responsibility while engaging and connecting with their target audience. In this blog post, we will explore various sustainable choices that can make your experiential events more Earth-friendly.
If you’re doing product sampling for any kind of liquid, you will need some sort of cups. And for most of us, washing and reusing cups isn’t a realistic option. Compostable and biodegradable sampling cups are an earth-conscious and convenient option.
2. QR Codes
Instead of handing out hundreds of product info cards, try using a re-usable product information sheet with a QR code. This allows customers to take a photo of the info or save the website link, saving trees. Be sure your product info is clear, concise, and focused on your key messaging. If they do refer to the photo, they’re more likely to read a few bullet points than a paragraph of information.
Cloth tablecloths last a long time, usually years. Not only do cloth tablecloths look better than single use, but they also allow us to reuse them for up to a decade!. We normally go with black tablecloths that work for many of our clients. Other items such as unbranded ice buckets and acrylic sign holders also last for a long time and can be used for many clients. This helps us cut down the overall number of supplies needed, while still offering our clients a high-end set -up.
4. Compostable Food Service Gloves
There’s no way to get out of using food service gloves if your product sampling activation involves opening food. We all want to do our best to keep our germs to ourselves, right? But compostable gloves, which are just now becoming more popular, are made from plant-based materials. We fully transitioned to compostable gloves in 2022 and we’re happy to give a glowing testimonial!
Reusing boxes takes a special effort. Our team member in charge of shipping, Salvador, visits retailers near him to pick up their discarded boxes. This takes a little time each week, but it helps us avoid using virgin cardboard boxes, thus decreasing our carbon footprint. Is there a retailer near you who would hold their extra boxes for you?
6. Digital Coupons
You will want to evaluate this one and decide if this makes sense for your brand. While digital coupons are certainly greener than traditional paper coupons, you will also have a harder time getting customers to redeem these coupons. The more difficult it is to access the coupon (downloading an app, texting a number, signing up for email), the fewer coupon redemptions you will have. But for some brands the ability to talk to these consumers after the demo via text and email is worth the lower coupon redemption.
You may find that not all of these tips will fit for your activation. But incorporating any these tips will be a step toward a greener activation!
Tell us in the comments, does sustainability matter to your brand?