Trade shows: 4 tips to plan

Trade shows have returned. Are you ready?

Trade shows: 4 tips to plan Working business development for Health and Fitness Activations, I have the pleasure of conversing with many companies about their go-to-market strategy. Occasionally companies will have ideas already fleshed out and only need Health and Fitness Activations to bring the ideas they have on paper to life. More often, companies will share their marketing budget with HFA and then look to us to give the answers on where they should spend their marketing dollars.

Trade shows: 4 tips to plan I’m hearing a lot more chatter about trade shows during my meetings recently. There’s no denying it. Trade shows are coming back and they’re coming back quickly. Not sure where to start? Here are 4 tips to ensure your trade show marketing plan is a stellar one:

Location Matters! When you’re a growing brand, every penny matters. The last thing you want to do is set yourself up for disappointment. Wait, allow me to correct that sentence: The last thing you want to do is set yourself up for expensive disappointment. That’s why it’s crucial to spend the time (or hire someone who can) and research the traffic flow and layout of the trade show. Looking to snag a deal on the price of your booth space? You may want to chat with us about sponsorships.

Trade shows: 4 tips to plan Create a Memorable Experience. If you’ve ever been to a trade show, you have seen 10x10ft booth spaces lined up in rows. Take a closer look and you’ll see a branded tablecloth, a banner or two on display, and a brand ambassador to pass out free items. Sound familiar? Probably so, and that’s because this is now “the standard.” It’s time for you to rise above the standard and stand out. Be the booth that people want to take a picture of and show their friends. Experiential marketing is key here. It’s the road that will connect your brand to your target consumers on an emotional level. When you’re able to capture someone’s feelings, you’ll be able to foster a relationship built around loyalty.

Trade shows: 4 tips to plan Consider Roving Brand Ambassadors. You had all great intentions going into the show, but unfortunately your booth space still isn’t receiving the attention it deserves. If the trade show allows (researching if this is allowed prior to the show is always encouraged), send your brand ambassadors out on to the trade show floor to handout items or invite attendees to visit your booth.

Fulfill a Need. Have you ever been the person at a trade show with a dead phone? Or maybe the person with extremely uncomfortable shoes on? I have been this person before, and let me tell you, it’s not fun at all. I’ve learned sometimes the simplest thing you can do is consider providing a place to sit or a place attendees can charge their phone. Creating ways to make someone’s day a little easier is a win/win for you and your target consumer.

Share in the comments below any other tips you have found helpful to get the most out of your trade show execution!


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